The Story of Arthur’s
My name is Jim Nelson. My wife Dorothy and I were thrilled to purchase the home at 1854 Alta Vista Drive in the fall of 1981. It was a larger home than we needed for our family at the time, which included the two of us and our children Paul and Anne, but we bought it because we hoped to care for our parents someday if they should need help.
In 1982 this idea came to fruition when my parents moved in due to the increasing health needs of my father, Arthur Nelson. A few years later Dorothy’s parents did the same. The name Arthur’s Senior Care comes from my dad, Arthur, who was the very first person served in this home.
When we moved into this house, we also began providing disability housing in Minnesota through our company ACR Homes, an organization widely known for its high caliber staff. We often talked of our dream to eventually provide residential support services for the elderly.
In 2006 we moved out of our house at 1854 Alta Vista and into a condo. It was a hard decision, as those walls were permeated with the love and laughter of our children and grandchildren and we had grown to love the beautiful setting with all the white pine trees that were transplanted from my father’s farm.
We reflected on how we could convert the home to support the elderly, and we made the decision to retrofit the home to provide services for six seniors who needed support to live in a small community residential setting. Arthur’s Senior Care is thrilled with how the remodeling accomplished this; A few years later we opened a second home in Shoreview with a similar concept.
Both Dorothy and I aimed to create homes that we ourselves would be very comfortable moving to someday if needed. We hope that you, like us, will feel very welcome at Arthur’s Senior Care.